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Build diagrams
inShort has abundant opportunities for diagramming related tasks. In a diagram, you can specify the processes themselves, the resources they use, and goals to be achieved as a result of execution of tasks. Several types of representation of processes and resources allow you to visually display the specifics of any problem, and the use of the decision-making objects enables you to provide for different ways of development of the situation.
Thought-out formalism of diagram construction allows you to build correct and consistent schemes, which is perfectly reflected in one of the user reviews:
"Very original: inShort diagrams have a surprise property, most often than not, if they look right, they work right, and if they look wrong, they are most likely wrong. This works like an instant quality control. I used them a lot when I try to understand, explain, or figure out things."
Below is a diagram obtained directly from the application.
Legend: Goals are marked with right-angled figures. The fulfilled tasks are marked with green, while the active — with red.

Almost every task in the program can be drilled down to a separate diagram, until the project is broken down into elementary operations.
So instead of one complex and confusing diagram you get a set of simple and easily readable structured schemes.
Task planning allows you to achieve a lot, now plan your communication to make your plans convincing.
Compose plans
From the resulting map of tasks, you can compose a detailed plan and start its execution, marking the progress in the application. For convenient control of plans, tasks can also be displayed as ordinary Gantt charts. Thus, the application provides everything you need for working with projects.
It should be noted that the program supports the design techniques of the Theory of Constraints. After passing a little training directly in the application, a user can learn a new effective approach to the task management. That is why the application can be useful both for professional users and for beginners in this field.
Below is the Gantt chart corresponding to the scheme placed above.